Tip to build excitment during the slow summer season

Posted: 07/30/2014 in AMOK!, Combat, Filipino Martial Arts, knife fighting, Mayhem Combatives, Rhode Island, Self-defense, Street fighting, Survival, violence

I know running a Martial Arts School can be challenging at times but there is nothing more rewarding than when you have created a business and see it grow.  Summer time can prove to be a very slow time of the year for schools.  Here is a tip to build excitement, raise awareness for your school, and possibly increase your income to get through until the Back to School season begins.



Host a Nunchaku class:  When I ran these they were always filled.  I would charge a nominal fee for the class then each child would get a “Free” nunchaku (foam padded of course) we would run through some basic movements and then on the swinging and twirling techniques.  At the end of class we would blast the song Kung Fu Fighting when the parents came to pick up their kids it was a the grand finale to an awesome night.  Be sure to hand out buddy passes to your students so they can bring their friends to this incredible event.


Good luck I hope it works out for you!


Sean Anderson

  1. Ben Cerasi says:

    With ninja turtles out those classes will be a hit..

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